
    News has so much effect on us. It is not only about facts and information. It affects us and our lives and sometimes it effects the way of perceiving things. People watch news and read newspaper and believe whatever they are telling without knowing the credibility of correct information. Our minds have been set up that every news media shows is correct. Whenever media shows the news of bombing, sexual assaults and protests most of the people start having psychological distress. For instance 16 December 2014, APS attack. Almost everyone went into trauma because of this miserable event. Everyone experienced grief, sadness, anger and fear.

    In our daily life we see news like poor people are going through some crisis and feel bad about them. It is so common for people to have feelings of sadness, anger and worry after seeing such news. It is totally normal to have feelings like this It does not mean that these are the signs of some psychological disorder.

    It is important to stay informed and updated but we should decrease the exposure to news and social media coverage of event or we should limit our time in contact with the issue until we feel better or able to manage our emotions and reactions. It is normal but we need to take a break from them.

    Some other factors are:

    The images seen on TV linger on in the mind and cause tremendous psychological effects other than stress. Children begin to notice and react to television in the age when they are unable to distinguish between facts and fantasy and may receive watching violence as an ordinary occurrence. People are getting insensitive and aggressive with increased exposure to news channels. They are getting new ideas of robbery and other crimes by this much exposure of news.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder which is activates any miserable event either experienced or witnessed. It is like having flash backs and nightmares but with anxiety. The people who suffer this disorder have difficulty adjusting but as the time passes by and good self-care they get better. If the symptoms get worse if it lasts for months or even years or has some effects on your day to day functioning, it maybe PTSD.

    People who watch news and violent stuff like nerds are likely to become heartless or they get immune of such events or they end up being way too sensitive. The television news channels are a good source of keeping the viewers updated with the latest developments in all sectors of life. They should provide education and a positive way of managing the day to day burdens without causing undue sensation and panic to the viewers. News has so much effect on us. It is not only about facts and information. It effects us and our lives and sometimes it effects the way of perceiving things. People watch news and read newspaper and believe whatever they are telling without knowing the credibility of correct information.

    Our minds have been set up that every news media shows is correct.

    Whenever media shows the news of bombing, sexual assaults and protests most of the people start having psychological distress. For instance 16 December 2014, APS attack. Almost everyone went into trauma because of this miserable event. Everyone experienced grief, sadness, anger and fear.

    In our daily life we see news like poor people are going through some crisis and feel bad about them.It is so common for people to have feelings of sadness, anger and worry after seeing such news. It is totally normal to have feelings like this It does not mean that these are the signs of some psychological disorder.

    It is important to stay informed and updated but we should decrease the exposure to news and social media coverage of event or we should limit our time in contact with the issue until we feel better or able to manage our emotions and reactions. It is normal but we need to take a break from them.

    Some other factors are:

    The images seen on TV linger on in the mind and cause tremendous psychological effects other than stress.

    Children begin to notice and react to television in the age when they are unable to distinguish between facts and fantasy and may receive watching violence as an ordinary occurrence.

    People are getting insensitive and aggressive with increased exposure to news channels.

    People are getting new ideas of robbery and other crimes by this much exposure of news.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder which is activates any miserable event either experienced or witnessed. It is like having flash backs and nightmares but with anxiety. The people who suffer this disorder have difficulty adjusting but as the time passes by and good self-care they get better. If the symptoms get worse if it lasts for months or even years or has some effects on your day to day functioning, it maybe PTSD.

    People who watch news and violent stuff like nerds are likely to become heartless or they get immune of such events or they end up being way too sensitive.

    The television news channels are a good source of keeping the viewers updated with the latest developments in all sectors of life. They should provide education and a positive way of managing the day to day burdens without causing undue sensation and panic to the viewers.