•                                               FACEBOOK HAS EARS AND IT CAN LISTEN TO YOU NOW

    If go back in time, if we unleash the pages of our near past, Facebook has brought a new revolution in this world, a new game in the town and has in literal as well metaphorical terms made this world a global village. Facebook spread like a wild fire all over the planet people of every age would use it as necessary as for whom originally it was made. Facebook was the talk of the Town for over years between 2011 and 2015. It ruled the world and attracted all of us. It was new, it was amazing and it was great. It was user friendly, it was easy and what was the cost? ZERO FACEBOOK WAS AND IS ABSOLUTELY FREE... wait no is that true? Somebody is offering you contact to every corner of the world, making you able to see your loved ones all over the globe, share your previous moments that would be stories to tell if there was no Facebook. But is that all free? And ii yes then why? Why would someone do that for you for free? Is Mark Zukerberg a philanthropist ? And if yes then how is he increasing the belly of his wallet and bank accounts by leaps and bounds?
    I think I got an answer for this and my answer is NO IT IS NOT FREE !! You may have heard of the phrase that says nothing is free in this world and yes it's true that you pay the price for everything in one way or the other but you do pay the price. Facebook may not be charging you in cash but it has taken other things that you have and which will benefit them, Mark Zukerberg !! And almost all of us have been fooled.
    The question is what are we paying in return of what Facebook offers us? We are paying it in terms of giving access to our phones and laptops, our photo galleries, our contacts, our locations, our interests, our private conversations, our calls, our identities, our everything and from everything I mean everything. We have payed with the price of privacy and security of ourselves and the people whom we are connected to. I must be sounding very pessimistic but that is the fact and that is what is the truth and we deny it because we love Facebook so much, love Facebook more than our privacy and more than our security. We always think what will happen? Nothing has happened all these years so why now?
    That is what we think!!
    Facebook has been manipulating our minds, our interests,our personalities since the time we have started using it. Facebook would see you talking to your friend about buying shoes and you would get the ads of different shoes outlets, it would see you sad and it would bring ads of antidepressants, it would see you talking about something and the next moment Facebook would be selling you that thing, and above all of their own choices, what they want you to wear, what they want you to take, what they want you to listen to, what they want you to watch. And yes this makes me say this that FACEBOOK HAS EARS AND IT IS LISTENING
    Your own photos, your loved one's photos, your bed time talks, your conversations with your friends and family, your secrets everything if at the mercy of Facebook. It's like everything is out in the world and you don't know it, and even if you know it you can't do anything because you love Facebook so much. Nothing is hidden and it is a very very dangerous thing. It can be used in many ways, in many fields and why not against you if the owner doesn't like you?

    And by knowing these things we still use Facebook on daily basis and for hours and hours.As Facebook keeps everything related to us with it as in the details about us, our phone number, our personal data, pictures and many more and still we are using it in our daily routine and posting pictures and all. But one should be aware from the outcome and disadvantages it can cause. Its better to keep things private than posting it all over the social Apps. Because as the title says " FACEBOOK HAS EARS AND IT CAN LISTEN TO YOU NOW"