STEVIA | A Magic Plant | An alternative of Sugar.

  • Stevia is a sugary plant which is basically a native plant of Brazil. It’s also called as sweet plant because of it’s sweetness level. Stevia has 200% more sweetness in its leaves than of sugar. If we use 2 to 4 leaves we can make a cup of tea as sweet as of 2 spoons of sugar, and with this another extremely fruitful effect of stevia is that it does not have any kind of diabetic effect or other diseases as sugar contains.

    It can be cultivated as farms or in small level at home. In Pakistan it is best weather conditions to cultivate it. It is also helpful for many diseases like mouth diseases, high blood pressure, sugar, hair fall etc. Stevia is very much cheap in use and have more advantages than sugar. It is smell less plant so if it is used in food making it does not leave any smell of its own.