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  • IGVault Method to Level Up Account in LoL

    Why is it so important to reach rank 30 in the League Accounts ? Well everyone knows in order to play ranked matches a player needs to reach level 30 in the league of legends game. Any game love who plays league of legends knows the value of reaching level 30 in the league of legends and h...
  • IGVault Guide: How to Master a Champion in League of Legends

    One might think mastering a Champion in League Accounts requires a lot of effort and time, and many might agree based on what Champion they are talking about. A champion can be "mastered" faster than you think, with the right mindset, research and effort you can become a great player with ...
  • IGVault League of Legends Roles Guide - Choose the Right Role

    League of Legends has a huge range of champions, and getting to know and play them all to a high standard takes a lot of a time and effort. You’ll rarely see players take on all roles in League Accounts  , they will choose a role and stick with it, mastering a few champions at a...
  • League of Legends: All Ranks and Ranked System Explained

    In order to measure yourself against other players in LoL, there is a ranked system with 9 different ranks. In ranked you will always be thrown into a match with similarly strong players. But how does it actually work? What Are The Rankings? There are a total of ten ranks in League of Legends: Wil...
  • The Fastest Way to Level up in League of Legends 2021

    Leveling a League of Legends account has been a topic of discussions ever since the game first came out. Players are always looking for the quickest way to jump straight into Ranked games to show the competition they have what it takes. In this article, we will break down the fastest ways to level ...
  • Which Role Should You Main In League of Legends

    There is nothing stopping you from jumping between roles in LoL Account but it’s hard to deny these benefits to settling down on one: Limit your variables Every time you queue into a game of League, the factors you are presented with are different game to game. You’re facing ...
  • Fastest Way To Level Up In League Of Legends

    When it comes to determining what the fastest way to level up in League of Legends is, it all comes down to how fast you can earn experience points. Experience points are the value you earn from the game which determines how often you’ve completed games. By earning a certain amount of experien...