Role of Media

  • What is Media? The main means of mass communication 9broadcasting, publishing and internet regarded collectively. The term media, which is very commonly used in the 21st century, comes from the word “Medium”. Simply, it’s one of the powerful tools by means of the idea of ‘Communication’. Nowadays, it’s intended and used as a meaning for live-streaming and narrowcasting tools such as what we call news, television, publications, radio, billboards, direct mail, mobile phones, faxing, and the most prominent of the present decade ‘the internet’. Today, media has become more of a need for all the masses. It has played a very distinguished role in supplying and creating a general public perception; it has also connected the world by fueling globalization. The actual purpose of media is to inform, educate and entertain us. Entertainment The mass media fulfills the role as entertainment in our contemporary lifestyles. Readers and viewers want to be entertained even as if they receive information Information and Education The main responsibility of the media is to portray the truth to the public. Hence media is often turned to as an often and direct source of information that serves to educate citizens. A Political Tool The role of media is to shape people’s behavior attitude as well as their perception of events and experiences; it also keeps the watch over those in power. A Cultural force The Mass Media initiates and changes cultural trends by modifying and replacing dominant culture’s and behavior in society Services the economy The Mass Media tells about the economy growth changes, and people seeing new products off advertisements that would affect economic choices. What should be the role of Media towards society? Secondly, It has a very responsible, needed and timely duty today. Media has to reach and convey the situations to people all the time; in some ways, it’s easy as developed countries. But, in some cases, it has to make more physical efforts for undeveloped countries or remote areas of geography. Media also has to be a service, which has to keep an eye on all the developments going around the covered area; as well as it’s unspecified timings of 24/7. Another, very important aspect of media is that it should always remain credible, bias and free of any kind of diversions or disputants. Media also plays as an armed-hand in these times of democracy; as it strengthens and safeguard’s public’s interest or stake. Today, Media is also one of the dangerous professions to work in; it also defines more of its importance. It can all be related as it’s the era of information we have today, which binds everyone to each other and not all of us are happy to learn doings or actions of others. Today, media is still getting developed and attaining freedom by a slow-pace as one-third of the world is underdeveloped. What is Social Media doing to our society? Today’s world is completely saturated with social media as consumers become more dependednt on services such as Facebook and twitter for both personal and business purposes but what impact does it have on our as a society? Technosavy companies and marketers advocate social development and claim that it is necessary to move humanity forward although the privacy activists have raised concerns over the data that is collected and shared across he web. The general public network doesn’t suggest that it is very bothered. It is worrying that the current internet culture is having an adverse effect on society. Social media has stripped away something very personal from us which is self-privacy, It’s not anything against the internet as it has provided us with very range of advantages aswell but once something is out of the cage in the wilds of web it is then impossible to remove it.