Freedom of Expression

  • Freedom of expression is a right of individuals. A right of having their own ideas, their own preceptions about certian things and have a right in the society to express freely. freedom of expression is very important. every developed country or democratic country's citizens have a right to express their ideas, preceptions freely. they welcome their ideas because freedom of expression is a human right, every individual have its own point of view about different things. freedom of expression is a right to express your thoughts, ideas with freedom but under some limitations. because people manupilate their thoughts with the title of freedom of expression there is a thin layer between freedom of speech and manupilation. you can share your ideas, thoughts etc through writing or use any kind of communication. but in many countries like nepal, india , pakistan rulers control people voices to maintain their power. freedom of expression is very important in the state. Democratic countries are not even democratic without freedom of expression. people have right to speak, write , paint freely without the intererence of society and the state power. In european countries people give their views through painting, painting is also a helping tool to prove or tell your point of view through art but under some restriction you can't promote any staff which is not good for society. Freedom of expression is a right to raise voice on injustice, illegal activities in state even you change the government through freedom of expression that's why in many countries(developing countries) rulers controls the voices to maintain the power. freedom of expression is necessary in democratic states because every individual have right to speak. even their publishers have right to publish opinions and information to inform public about something but under some restriction the state don't allow them to publish a wrong information about state or a person, sexual staff are banned , religious staff are banned, cultural staff is banned because every individual have right to live their lives how they want to be. In democratic and developed states gave right to their media houses of freedom of expression. because media is all about free speech because they inform the public about all happenings in the country and they reveal the truth, To inform people or public is also freedom of expression. FOR instance Americian media houses are free. they have freedom of speech. they expose their illegal activities , they expose wrong happenings even they ciritise their presidents, their writers are free to ciritise. for instance NOAM CHOMSKY. Freedom of expression in developing and develped countries.. America stands here as a developed country and pakistan stands here as a developing country, American media houses are free. they have right of freedom of speech, they inform their public,their presidents or state power never control them they are unbiased their individuals have right to speak freely that's why they have a power in whole world they control the world but in pakistan people don't have any right to speak freely even their media is not free. government or political parties paid media for their content powers control the media in pakistan For instanse Bahria town commercials everyone knows that bahria town have illegal property but no one have guts to speak free in the media about malik riaz because he paid media houses for his bahria town commercials, In pakistan when someone wants to speak freely in society or in media 'NA MALOOM afraad killed them. Education is very important for developing countries when they have knowledge of right and wrong. they have a knowledge of their rights. they become a developed country because education is power. education give us information about our rights and speaks freely on our rights then our educated society supports us and every individual will speak freely and no one kiiled them as just like america. Freedom of expression is important for democatic countries. It is a right of civilians having their own opinion without the interference of powers. but sometime people use it in a wrong way . so government should take action on it if someone misuse their right to disrespect someone or religious talks with the label of freedom of speech people, In a world of social media we all have a platform to raise our voice through writing. For instance Zainab case. zainab case is best example the social media helps to raise voice for zainab. facebook, twitter these kind of apps are a platform of freedom of expression people write or upload their views on them. these all communication apps are type of freedom of expression where people write their views about incidents, politicians, unlawful activities, they aware people about certain things they inform people that whats happening in the worlds..