According to what I've read the information

  • According to what I've read the wow tbc gold information I have read, these weapons are not going to make it to the next expansion should there ever be one. Could you elaborate on the rationale behind that choice?

    Barriga In a way this gives us the ability to design these weapons to be as amazing as we would like to make them. If there's anything in the abilities that we love and think should be the core of the class We have the power to transfer that ability into the class.

    If we said right off the bat we had said, "This is something we need to transfer," you would see the field as a smaller design possibilities and more limited capabilities. Certain of the abilities that are at the end of every branch are quite powerful and modify the way you play, therefore we'd like to view them as an experiment.

    In a sense it allows us to experiment with new ideas without the commitment to this concept from now to the end of time. Artifact Weapons will be gone following Legion However, the skins will be there.

    Like Garrisons Like Garrisons, for instance, this was the first instance that we declared, "Hey, we really would like to test this feature however, we're not sure if we'd like to buy Burning Crusade Classic Gold try it for a long time."