Bringing Allies Back to Life in Dark and Darker

  • Dark and Darker is a Tarkov-like RPG featuring both dungeon-crawling and battle-royale-style gameplay. Mixed with the Dark And Darker Gold Coins game’s gothic fantasy aesthetic and unique trading system, it is shaping up to garner a lot of attention in upcoming playtests and the full release. With the six current classes in the game, players already have a lot of options to choose from when starting their own adventure.

    Bringing Allies Back to Life in Dark and Darker

    Joining friends in the Dark and Darker alpha playtest

    Currently, there are two known ways to revive allies in Dark and Darker. The main way any player can revive their ally is the same for everyone. By using an Altar of Resurrection, players can revive their teammates for the price of some of their HP. These shrines are scattered throughout levels, so players may not know the exact location right away. As of the playtest, dungeons are not procedurally generated, so once players find the location of an Altar of Resurrection, they will be able to find it again later.

    To use the altar in Dark and Darker, when a teammate falls, another teammate must remove and loot their chest plate. Upon doing so, the player should also pick up the Soul Heart of the player and put it in their inventory. Travel to or Find an Altar of Resurrection. Interacting with it will allow players to put the teammate’s Soul Heart onto the Altar. This will trigger the resurrection, and will also transfer some of the player’s health to their newly revived teammate.

    As of now, Clerics are the only class with the ability to revive other players without finding the Altar of Resurrection. Clerics who wish to do so must in Dark and Darker must first equip the Requiem perk. Cleric classes often have the ability to heal, and, similarly, the Requiem perk gives Clerics the ability to revive for 25% of the player’s HP instead of the normal amount while reviving. And if done at the Altar, it does not take any of the Cleric’s health to do so. Additionally, Clerics can choose the Resurrection spell, which is an eight-cost spell that can revive an ally. If a Cleric plans on using this spell, do NOT remove the player’s Soul Heart first. This will make the spell ineffective.

    Dark and Darker is slated for a full release in late 2023. Until then, early playtests will continue to give players an idea of what the full game will look like. Dungeon crawling can be a dangerous business, particularly with the gothic tone of Dark and Darker. However, the good news for players planning to buying Dark And Darker Gold play in parties is that it is possible to revive a friend if they happen to fall along the way.